Below are outlines for the data structures commonly required for price optimization.

Note, some tables and columns herein are marked as required/recommended/bonus. Despite this, the more data that is provided, the more meaning can be derived from the data and the better potential optimization results can be achieved.

Customers - Required

One row per Customer ID, brings additional customer hierarchy context

Required Columns:

  • Customer ID (must match/join to transactions table)
  • Customer Name
  • Customer Hierarchy (and/or any customer attributes that link to price, discount etc.)
    • Eg:
      • Customer Segment
      • Customer Class
      • Customer Category
      • etc.

Recommended Extras:

  • Bill-to Customer ID (the customer buying/paying for the product, if different from the receiver)
  • Ship-to Customer ID (the customer address that is receiving the goods, if different from Bill-To)

Products - Required

One row per Product ID, brings additional product hierarchy context

Required Columns:

  • Product ID (must match/join to transactions table)
  • Product Name
  • Product Hierarchy (and/or any product attributes that link to price, discount etc.)
    • Eg:
      • Product Segment
      • Product Class
      • Product Category
      • etc.

Transactions (Sales Line-Items) - Required

The fundamental data table required for modelling optimization of price, margin, discount etc.

Required Columns:

  • Invoice ID (the unique identifier of an invoice)
  • Invoice Line ID (the line number on the corresponding invoice)
  • Customer ID (should match/join to “Customers” table)
  • Product ID (should match/join to “Products” table)
  • Invoice Date
  • Invoice Price
  • Invoice Qty
  • Cost Price at time of invoice (can be derived from costs table if provided)

Recommended Extras:

  • Product List Price at time of invoice (can be derived from list prices table if provided)
  • Customer Standard Discount (can be derived from another table if provided)
  • Quote ID / Quote Line ID (if quotes are provided, this will join quotes table to transactions)

A table containing historic list price points that can be joined to transactions in order to derive discount given at time of invoice.


  • Product ID (must match/join to transactions table)
  • Effective Date
  • Expiry Date
  • List Price

The same as List Prices History, but for cost prices. Both might be combined in same table.


  • Product ID (must match/join to transactions table)
  • Effective Date
  • Expiry Date
  • Cost Price

Quotes - Bonus

A table of quote line-items, that can be joined to transactions to derive the quoted vs. ordered price and qty for sales where a quote was generated.


  • Quote ID (the unique identifier of an quote)
  • Quote Line ID (the line number on the corresponding quote)
  • Invoice Line ID (must match/join to transactions)
  • Quoted Quantity
  • Quoted Price