• Generate a new SSH key pair using the ed25519 algorithm, associate it with an email
    • ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "your@email.com"
  • Optional: Set a password in prompt (Enter key to skip)
  • Print public key (then copy it to clipboard)
    • cat ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub
  • Paste public key into git remote auth
  • Test the SSH connection
    • ssh -T git@remote.com

Important Note: You must use git@remote.com origins to use the ssh auth, not https://

If you have already cloned a repo using the https:// remote url, then try to git push origin you will be asked to authenticate with https. You can either change the remote with git remote set-url origin git@remote.com:username/project.git or re-clone the repo with ssh auth method to have the remote set automatically