Alias | Command | Description | Example |
clip | xclip -selection clipboard | Copy contents to clipboard | echo "Hello World" | clip |
| journalctl -f -T $EXCLUDEAPP | Monitor system logs, optionally exclude noisy apps like browser | journalctl -f -T floorp |
| netstat -ltnp | grep $PORTNUM | Find service listening on port | netstat -ltnp | grep 48010 |
| | | |
| systemctl --user $COMMAND $SERVICE | Interact with user level system services | systemctl --user status sunshine |
| systemctl --user --type=target | List available user level service targets | |
NixOS Specific
Alias | Command | Description | Example |
nxrb | nixos-rebuild switch | Rebuild NixOS with latest configuration | nxrebuild |
nxsh | nix-shell -p $1 | Start a Nix shell with some included package/s | nxshell neofetch |
nxgc | nix-collect-garbage —delete-old | Cleanup old NixOS generations | nxgc |